Philip Rizk is a film-maker and writer from Cairo living in Berlin.

upside down world2.png

recent/ upcoming things  

Out on the Street screening at Yorck Kino in Bethanien part of of the Palinale Festival, Berlin, February 22, 6pm

Terror Tales & Mapping Lessons are screening at Wolf Kino, Berlin March 5, 2025 7:30pm hosted by Harun Farocki Institut

❊ Philip Rizk is curating a Special Program entitled Ways of Seeing Fanon at the Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival as part of an ongoing research project on Frantz Fanon in the Arabic-speaking region. March 28 & 29, 2025.

Mapping Lessons screening as part of Falasteen Cinema Week at Refuge Radio Worldwide, Berlin, February 18, 2025

❊ Philip Rizk moderated a panel on the film Friendship’s Death (1987) by Peter Wollen entitled “What alien joins the militant resistance?” w/ Hazem Jamjoum & Nick Helm-Grovas at On Strike: Screenings & Talks Striking Berlinale

Land Listening is part of the exhibition “After the End: Cartographies for another time” @ Centre Pompidou, Metz, January 25 - September 1, 2025

❊ Listen to the recently added conversation

Terror Tales is part of the Some Strings program screening in many places.

Some Strings states:

“Filmmakers and artists from around the world have formed Some strings, an ensemble of unreleased filmic gestures that is rooted in Palestine, where poet and teacher Refaat Alareer was targeted by Israeli strikes along with seven members of his family. In his last poem, If I Must Die, published five weeks before his murder, Refaat Alareer calls those who should live to create a kite - a long-standing object of resistance- with bits of string and Some Strings, just like each of his readers, receives it as a legacy.
The kites here are a diversity of views that share a space against the silences, international indifference and continued approval of states, which are already fabricating memorial confusions about the greatest civilian massacre of the 21st century.
The systematic extermination of the Palestinian people on Palestinian soil is taking place before our very eyes, and international diplomacy is failing to prevent war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocidal actions.”

❊ Screening: Terrible Sounds, Barcelona, May 21 @Arts Santa Monica

❊ Artist Talk: Images. Putting an end to “the world as we know it”, Barcelona, May 22 @MACBA

❊ Screening: Mapping Lessons, Utrecht, May 24 @ “Usufructuaries of earth” convention, BAK

❊ Screening: Mapping Lessons, Gabes Cinema Fen Festival, Tunisia, May 1

❊ Text out: Rebellious Eyes. Through the Archive. hosted on the new archive-stories by Mai Taha & Sara Salem.

Terrible Sounds was part of the 35th Sao Paulo Biennale September 6 - December 10 2023

Knowledge Ties #2 w/ Başak Ertür, Jasmina Metwaly and Philip Rizk: On Trials
Mai 24. 2023 | 8 pm / SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA

A World without Maps at the Kochi-Muziris Biennale : 23.12.2022 - 10.04.2023

this includes the new publication About A World without Maps featuring conversations with Linda Quiquivix, Vivien Sansour, Dirar Kalash, Yasser Munif, and a Syrian farmer named Walid, as well as Omar Aziz’s early conceptions on the local council in liberated territories. You can download the publication designed by the wonderful Salma Shamel here.

Terrible Sounds screening at Alfilm, Marseille, March 26 2023

❊ Philip Rizk speaking at the CIMAM (International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art) conference, November 13, 2022 on a panel called, Learning from the Community: Collective Actions in the Face of Emergency. In my talk "Did you hear that?" I take you on a journey interspersed with soundscapes from a march in the streets of Cairo on January 28th 2011 that eventually lead through police barricades and the taking of Tahrir Square, to a video tutorial on using a solar oven for government imposed sieges in Syria, to recordings from mass marches on the US-Mexico border. "Did you hear that?, that is the sound of your world crumbling,” the Zapatistas wrote after exploding onto the political stage in 1994. Theirs was a struggle that took years of preparation, years of organizing. 

In the book Les damnés de la terre Frantz Fanon wrote, “the yardstick of time must no longer be that of the moment or up till the next harvest, but must become that of the rest of the world.” Much of Fanon’s clarity came from the urgency of writing with his impending death in sight. Are we today in such a different place? If so, how can we enact such urgency? Fanon felt the heartbeat of the times, he heard the warning signs and saw much of what it would bring in the future. Learning from the community requires such an act of radical listening.

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❊ A new text out, June 14, 2022

a letter to the survivors of-the-old-time

An address from the future reflecting on histories of communal, Indigenous resistance to the exploitation of land and people.

Terrible Sounds screening - watch the trailer here

Gabes Cinema Fen Festival, May 6-12, 2022

Aflam Film Festival, Marseille - @ Polygone étoilé, March 26 2023 @15:30

On Trials: a manual on the Theatre of Law/ حاكمات قيد الفحص: دليل مسرح القانون co-authored with Jasmina Metwaly is out now and available @ Archive Books (stay tuned for an upcoming book launch) 

Goodbye, Hartmut Geerken a letter to the late Hartmut Geerken, whose last recording is featured on Terrible Sounds & the upcoming record Muharram 1441 w/ Nadah El Shazly, Maurice Louca, Sharif Sehnaoui & Ayman Asfour

Mapping Lessons screening

Beirut: @ Barzakh Space, December 20, 2022

Paris: at مهرجان الشعوب تريد / Les peuples demandes festival, October 23 2022 12:30

Barcelona: Mostra de Cinema Àrab i Mediterrani de Catalunya, November 10 2022 18:00 @Filmoteca Barcelona

@ Cine-Palestine, Paris, May 29, 2022 15:00 followed by a Q&A, cinéma Luminor, Hotel de Ville

Aflam, Marseille, March 25, 2022

London Palestine Film Festival @ The Barbican, November 25, 2021 @ 20:30

Regards Palestine, Montreal, Cinematheque Quebecoise, November 29, 2021

Sharjah Film Platform November 19-27, 2021

MESA film festival, Dec 1-3, 2021

The intervals series, Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid, Dec 16 & 18 2021

“Mapping Lessons” screening @ Archival Assembly #1, Berlin, September 6, 2021 @ 13:45 Cinema Arsenal

"Fossilised Sonicities. On Mapping Lessons & Sonic Archives” a workshop w/ Philip Rizk @ sinema transtopia, Berlin, September 7 2021, 10am-1pm

bi’bak, Berlin on 28. July 2021 at 21:30 followed by a discussion w/ Philip Rizk moderated by Shohreh Shakoory

the Documentarist Film Festival, Istanbul - 9. July 2021 followed by a discussion w/ Azize Aslan, Begüm Özden Fırat & Seda Altuğ & Philip Rizk

Goethe Film Week, Alexandria & Cairo - 2. July 7pm followed by a discussion w/ Philip Rizk moderated by Ali al-Adawy (Arabic)

Qabes Film Festival, Tunisia - 21. June 8:30pm Agora 

Out on the Street screening

@ “How to be a collective”, Argos, Brussels, April 23, 2022

“Radical Films, Radical Forms”, The Other Cinemas, March 26, 2022

+ now ONLINE here

❊ “Scenes from a world without maps”

participated in the German pavilion of the Architecture Biennale, Venice, as part of

100 ways of saying we, November 6, 2021

Terrible Sounds - A Triptych

exhibited at the Berlin Jazz Festival on November 7, 2021 @ Silent Green

❊ Read: “Land, revolutions & lessons from Syria - A conversation with Leila al-Shami and Philip Rizk“ @ Syriauntold